“Wild Wild Punjab,” starring Varun Sharma, Sunny Singh, Jassie Gill, and Manjot Singh, will premiere on Netflix on July 10. Coordinated by Simarpreet Singh, the film likewise includes Patralekhaa and Ishita Raj. Delivered by Luv Ranjan and Ankur Garg, and introduced by Gulshan Kumar and Bhushan Kumar, this parody show guarantees a wild ride. According to the official synopsis, Khanne (Varun Sharma), who is going through a breakup, is encouraged to take a “break-up trip” across Punjab by his friends Arore (Sunny Singh), Jainu (Jassie Gill), and Honey Paaji (Manjot Singh).
Wild Wild Punjab Movie
Their process is loaded with accidents and tumult, including battles, experiences with the police, gunfire, carnage, and entertaining talk between companions. The previous secret shows the companions on a wild ride to get back at Khanne’s ex, which prompts a progression of interesting and tumultuous occasions. Patralekhaa and Ishita Raj also talked about their roles. Patralekhaa, who plays Radha, portrayed her character as gutsy on the most crucial level. She expressed, “The film wonderfully catches companionship and experience.” She was intrigued by Meera, who was played by Ishita Raj.
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Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha Movie
Release Date
On July 10, 2025, Wild Wild Punjab will be released worldwide. Here, you can add Wild Wild Punjab to your Netflix queue for “Remind Me.” This is only one Indian film of numerous Netflix has underway for 2025 and then some. ‘Wild Wild Punjab’ featuring Varun Sharma, Radiant Singh, Jassie Gill and Manjot Singh is good to go to stir things up around town stage. “Wild Wild Punjab,” directed by Simarpreet Singh, will be available on Netflix on July 10. The project, which Luv Ranjan and Ankur Garg produce, also features Jassie Gill, Patralekhaa, and Ishita Raj. Gulshan Kumar and Bhushan Kumar present it.
Official outline of the film read, “Khanne (Varun Sharma) has had a separation. The eagerly awaited trailer for “Wild Wild Punjab” has at last been delivered, including a group cast drove by Varun Sharma, Radiant Singh, Jassie Gill, and Manjot Singh. This energetic film, which will be directed by Simarpreet Singh, will debut on Netflix on July 10. Jassie Gill portrayed his personality, Jainu, as the voice of reason among his companions. “Jainu is the quiet in the midst of the turmoil. I can’t wait for the audience to see what madness we bring to “Wild Wild Punjab.”
Staring Of Wild Wild Punjab Movie
Radha (Patralekhaa) and Meera (Ishita Raj) join the group on their unpredictable journey. An adventure with unexpected twists and turns ensues as they navigate Punjab’s lively and frequently chaotic terrain together. Wild Wild Punjab marks the feature directorial debut of TV director Simarpreet Singh. The story was written by Ranjan, and the screenplay was written by Harman Wadala and Sandeep Jain. Arore (Sunny Singh), Jainu (Jassie Gill), and Honey Paaji (Manjot Singh) rally around him to encourage him to move on in spite of his emotional turmoil.
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Cast in Wild Wild Punjab
Varun Sharma, who plays Khanne, is a seasoned veteran of buddy comedies. Yet again he featured in each of the three movies in the Fukrey establishment close by Manjot Singh, who plays his companion in Wild Wild Punjab. Sunny Singh, a regular in Luv Ranjan’s films, plays one of the other friends. Singh has appeared in three of Ranjan’s five films, as well as two more produced by Luv Films. Individual Ranjan veteran Ishita Raj and three-time Singh co-star joins the fun also. Jassie Gill, a singer and actor, plays the final friend. Patralekhaa one of the stars of the forthcoming Netflix thrill ride series IC 814: The Kandahar Capture balances the primary cast.
Wild Wild Punjab Movie Trailer
The film’s wild adventures were shown in a teaser, with friends embarking on a tumultuous revenge mission filled with mishaps, fights, and humor. “Wild Wild Punjab,” which is being presented by Gulshan Kumar and Bhushan Kumar and produced by Luv Ranjan and Ankur Garg, promises to be an exciting ride. In “Wild Wild Punjab,” we follow the narrative of Khanne, played by Varun Sharma, who is nursing a messed up heart. Khanne plans to announce his separation from his ex-girlfriend in front of the wedding party as he is determined to confront her at her wedding.
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Final Words
At the end of February’s Next on Netflix India event, Wild Wild Punjab was the first to be announced. The amigo excursion film comes from creation house Luv Movies, whose pioneer Luv Ranjan hit it large coordinating the rom-com Pyaar Ka Punchnama and its spin-off. Netflix currently streams a number of titles from Luv Films, including the thriller Kuttey and Vadh and the romantic comedies Jai Mummy Di and Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar. However, Wild Wild Punjab is the production company’s first Netflix Original Film.