RRB Technician Admit Card 2025 Notification, Official Website @indianrailways.gov.in

Technician applications for 9144 open positions were made public by the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB). Applicants who applied for these opening can download their concede card before the assessment. The board has not delivered the date of assessment yet, it will be given soon on the board’s true site. The internet based application was begun on 09 March 2025 and closed on 08 April 2025. Presently, candidates are holding back to get the RRB Specialist Concede Card 2025. The choice will be founded on the CBT (PC Based Test) following record check and clinical assessment. The admit card for the examination that determines who will be selected is available to applicants who wish to work as technicians for Indian Railways.

RRB Technician Admit Card 2025

The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has declared the upcoming examination for Technician positions in 2025, denoting a chance for various up-and-comers across India. With a significant number of opportunities adding up to 9144 posts, this enlistment drive presents a huge opportunity for people trying to get a lifelong in the railway sector. It will be distributed on the authority site of the RRB for example indianrailways.gov.in and applyrrb.gov.in. Up-and-comers are instructed to take a printed copy concerning the concede card. The RRB Technician Concede Card 2025, fundamental for showing up in the assessment, is anxiously anticipated by candidates.

RRB Technician Admit Card 2025 Date

RecruiterRailway Recruitment Board (RRB)
Post NameTechnician
Total Vacancies9144
Exam DateTo be announced
Admit CardTo be released
Official Websiteindianrailways.gov.in

UPPSC PCS Admit Card 

TNPSC Group 4 Hall Ticket

About Railway Recruitment Board

Railroad Recruitment Control Board is an administration enlistment organization for Group C and Group D non-gazetted common help and designing posts in Indian Rail routes under Service of Rail routes, Legislature of India . It was set up in 1998 in the Service of Railroads (Rail line Board), New Delhi.

RRB Technician Admit Card Notification

The eagerly anticipated promotion for enrollment of Technicians in Indian Rail routes is supposed to be authoritatively delivered in February 2025 by the RRBs. Yearning up-and-comers, anxious to get a situation as an Expert in Indian Rail routes, ought to watch out for the authority site for refreshes. The application window is probably going to stay open for close to about a month, broadening perhaps April 2025. The application form must be submitted, a fee must be paid, and the required information must be provided in order to apply online.


To apply for Technician, an individual high priority breezed through the Registration test, and the person holds an ITI Exchange authentication from NCVT/SCVT in the separate discipline, or the candidate probably sought after Recognition or Certification in Designing, one age should not be under 18 or more 28 years.

Application Fee

To apply for a Specialist post in Indian Rail routes, an up-and-comer needs to store a measure of ₹500 on the web in the event that one has a place with the General, Other In reverse Class, or Monetarily More vulnerable Segment. The application charge for Ladies, Timetable Clan, Planned Rank, and other held classes is just Rs 250.

RRB Technician Exam Date 2025

The exam date for the post of Technician has not been delivered authoritatively by Railroad Enlistment Load up, however it is conceivable that it tends to be led in July 2025, the test will be held in web-based mode through PC Based Test (CBT) at different assessment places the nation over with a period span of 60 minutes.

WBPSC Clerkship Admit Card

Jharkhand Police Admit Card

Selection Process

There are an all out number four phases in the determination cycle for the post of Technician in Indian Rail routes, which are as per the following.

  • CBT – 1
  • CBT – 2
  • Documentation
  • Medical Examination

RRB Technician CBT Stage-1 Exam Pattern

For technician positions, the board will accept two applications. The test plans for each paper are portrayed underneath:

  • Each paper has 100 multiple-choice questions.
  • Each correct answer carries a 01 mark.
  • 1/3rd of marks will be deducted for incorrect answers.
Technician Grade 1 Exam Pattern
SubjectsNumber of QuestionMaximum MarksDuration
General Awareness101090 minutes
General Intelligence and Reasoning1515
Basics of Computers and Applications2020
Basic Science and Engineering3535
Total 10010090 minutes
Technician Grade 3 Exam Pattern
SubjectsNumber of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
Mathematics252590 minutes
General Intelligence and Reasoning2525
General Science4040
General Knowledge1010
Total 10010090 minutes

The board has declared the base passing imprints according to the up-and-comer’s classes. Competitors who have a place with the UR/EWS classifications need to persuade 40% imprints to be chosen for technician positions, up-and-comers who have a place with the OBC/SC classes need to get 30% imprints and the individuals who are from the ST class need to get 25% imprints as least qualifying marks.

Details of the RRB Technician Admit Card

Subsequent to declaring the test date, the board will issue the concede card on the authority site of the board for example indianrailways.gov.in. Applicants will actually want to download the concede card in the wake of giving it. Up-and-comers should check the subtleties referenced on it to stay away from errors. You are required to immediately contact the examination authority if you discover any discrepancies while checking. It contains the competitor’s very own data, for example, thier name, roll number, date of birth, orientation, classification and parent’s subtleties. Alongside it, it shows the test date, test focus and test time with significant directions. Competitors are encouraged to take no less than two printed copies of the concede card with two ID verifications.

UPSC Prelims Admit Card

CG Police Admit Card

Steps to Download the RRB Technician Admit Card 2025

Competitors should follow the means cautiously to download the “RRB Technician Admit Card 2025”, assuming that you fill in some unacceptable subtleties, you can’t get the Admit Card. Thus, filling in the right subtleties is important to get the Admit Card. The downloading steps are given below:

  1. Applicants should visit the official website of the Railroad Recruitment Board for example indianrailways.gov.in.
  2. Click the appropriate site in the “Zonnal Railways” tab to select your zone.
  3. Subsequent to choosing the zone, see as the “RRB Technician Admit Card 2025” connect.
  4. Click on the connection and fill in totally required subtleties and submit it.
  5. Subsequent to submitting, stand by a couple of moments, the admit card will be before you.
  6. Download it and take somewhere around two duplicates of the admit card to enter the examination hall.

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