OSSC CGL Result 2025 Notification, Official Website @ossc.gov.in

The Combined Graduate-level (CGL) preliminary examination was recently successfully administered by the Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) on June 23, 2025, at various Odisha examination centers. Thousands of candidates took this test, and now they want to see the OSSC CGL Prelims Result to see if they are qualified to move on. To officially check the result, candidates must provide their name, application number, and date of birth.

OSSC CGL Result 2025

The Result will be distributed on the authority site. Competitors finished up their application forms for this application from 05 April to 05 May 2025. At the state level, it is a very competitive exam that draws thousands of candidates every year. The exam was intended to test candidates’ information and abilities in different subjects, guaranteeing that main the top people are chosen for government positions.

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About Odisha Staff Selection Commission

Govt. of Odisha as a legal body in the year 1994 for doing coordinate enrollment against Gathering C and Gathering B posts in the State unit. This Commission conducts recruitments for more than 140 different cadres of posts and services within various government departments. The Commission is going by the Executive supported by three Individuals. They are governed by Rules governing their recruitment and terms of service, which are drafted periodically by the government, and they are appointed by the government of Odisha.

OSSC CGL Result Notification

The Preliminary exam, which is the principal phase of the determination interaction, was led on 23 June 2025, and competitors across the state showed up for the test. The exam was held in a solitary shift from 10 am to 12:30 pm. The multiple-choice forms were used for all of the questions. One point was given for each correct response, and one point was deducted for each incorrect response. Candidates received two hours and thirty minutes to complete the exam.

OSSC CGL Official Website Link

The OSSC CGL Result 2025 Download Link is provided below for applicants’ convenience. Candidates can also use the methods outlined further in the article to download the merit list from the Odisha Staff selection Commission’s official website. The certificate check was directed by the experts on eighteenth April 2025 and the outcome is currently accessible for the up-and-comers.

OSSC CGL Cut-Off Marks

Candidates must achieve the minimum scores in order to advance to the subsequent stage of the selection process. Here are the cut-off marks from the earlier year (2023) for reference:

CategoryCut Off Marks 

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Step to Check the OSSC CGL Result 2025

Candidates must follow these straightforward steps in order to view the 2025 Results:

  1. Visit to official website at www.ossc.gov.in.
  2. Search in the applicant’s corner on the homepage.
  3. View as the “Results” tab on the landing page and snap on it.
  4. Find the link labeled “OSSC CGL Preliminary Exam Result” and click on it.
  5. Enter your registration number, birth date, and any other necessary information.
  6. Take a printout of your result after downloading it for later use..

Details Mentioned in OSSC CGL Result 2025

The applicants must confirm the essential information on the following list.

  • Name of the candidate
  • Roll Number
  • Candidates’ category
  • Rank in category

Opportunity after OSSC CGL Results 2025

Following the authorities of the results, the authorities will send the candidates who were selected a call letter. Candidates that are picked should go through a preparation stage prior to joining on a long-lasting premise. Competitors are not qualified to get any advantages, including recompenses and advantages, all through this preparing time.

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Preparation Process

Setting up the OSSC CGL Result follows a deliberate and straightforward cycle to guarantee reasonableness and exactness. A step-by-step guide to preparing the results is provided below:

  • Provisional Answer Key Release: Shortly after the exam, the OSSC initially issues a provisional answer key. Candidates are able to estimate their scores and compare their answers as a result of this.
  • Submission of Objections: Candidates are able to submit any disagreements or inconsistencies they discover in the provisional answer key. These complaints are inspected by informed authorities.
  • Final Answer Key Preparation: After taking into account the objections, a final answer key is created. The answer sheets are evaluated on the basis of this answer sheets.
  • Answer Sheet Evaluation: The final answer key is used to evaluate the candidates’ answer sheets.

Final Words

On June 23, 2025, the OSSC CGL Examination was given. At various examination locations across the state, a lot of candidates took the exam. The OSSC CGL Prelims Result is eagerly anticipated by the candidates to determine whether or not they qualify for the main exam. Through this recruitment drive, the commission means to fill 586 opening for different Group B and C Posts. Fitting the bill for this prelim test is obligatory to be qualified for the prelim exam.

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