Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, and Vicky Kaushal will star in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s approaching “Love and War.” With the caption “Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s next EPIC saga, Love & War,” Bhansali Productions made the official announcement. The entire narrative is based on the historic 2005 Jehanabad Jailbreak, which saw 372 inmates carefully plan an escape from the prison.
Love and War Movie
In the movie’s core subject matter, the series will depict the love story of a progressive professor and his student. The major outbreak of warfare between Naxalites and police forces has derailed their marriage plans. The problem of excruciating caste inequality is the focus of the thriller, as are the reactionaries who are planning a jailbreak for their leader. Additionally, the narrative will feature a self-centered MLA who is determined to win over Dalit voters.
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Release Date
Ranbir Kapoor, Vicky Kaushal, and Alia Bhatt star in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s upcoming Love & War. The film will raise a ruckus around town on December 25, 2025. The requirement of having set working hours was another one. “RK’s work schedule was erratic during Sawaariya, and he doesn’t want the episode to come back in 2025.”
Love and War is said to pay tribute to Raj Kapoor’s Sangam, a 1964 film. “It’s a unique romantic tale set against the background of war,” Pinkvilla claims. It’s an allusion by SLB to Raj Kapoor’s 1964 classic Sangam. It has been reported that Alia orchestrated Ranbir and Bhansali’s collaboration. “She united them and asked the two mature people to put every one of the agreements on the face in the gathering,” the source closed.
Ranbir Kapoor’s Character
Pinkvilla claims that Ranbir Kapoor will portray a character with gray hair in Love and War. “A contorted dim person requires the presence of a genius notwithstanding an incredible entertainer. It has components of chivalry yet profound inside lies the clairvoyant suggestions. Ranbir and SLB are excited to reunite after 17 long years because it is a solid subject with strong performance potential,” the source added.
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Love & War First on-screen Collaboration
Love And War marks Vicky Kaushal first on-screen coordinated effort with Sanjay Leela Bhansali. “An eternal cinema dream has come true,” the URI actor wrote as he shared the official announcement on Instagram. The “Jehanabad-of-Love and War” small town of Jehanabad, Bihar, is where the series’ story takes place. It is said that the story centers around the issues that arose as a result of a long and cruel history of naxalism and caste inequality.
Love & War Upcoming Bollywood Movie
Love and War is a forthcoming Bollywood film featuring Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, and Vicky Kaushal in the number one spot jobs. It is coordinated and created by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. The movie producers have not yet declared the class or subtleties of this film. However, sources claim that the movie is about two people who fall in love and confront the entire world in order to move on with their lives. As indicated by maker Sudhir Mishra, the program would integrate components of sentiment.
Love and War Movie Trailer
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Final Words
Ritwik Bhowik will depict the lead teacher in the film, while Harshita Gaur will be highlighted as the understudy who will play his lovestruck student. Parambrata Chattopadhyay will play the Naxalite boss, whose traditionalist soldiers are plotting his delivery from jail. Satyadeep Mishra, Suneel Sinha, Rajesh Jais, Rajat Kapoor, and Sonal Jha will likewise show up in the film. The show’s typical Bihar politics and background events were written and directed by Rajiv Barnwal.