ITBP Head Constable Recruitment 2025 Notification, Official Website

In the year 2025, the Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBP) issued a recruitment notification for the position of Head Constable. This position has a total of 112 open positions. 16 female candidates will be selected for the head constable positions, while 96 of these are for male candidates. The online application process will begin. There will be no offline applications accepted. The beginning date to apply online is 07 July 2025, and the last date to apply is 05 August 2025. Candidates who are interested in the ITBP Head Constable Recruitment must apply.

ITBP Head Constable Recruitment 2025

The Indo-Tibetan Border Police will publish an advertisement for Head Constable (Education & Stress Counselor) positions on July 7, 2025, and applicants will have until August 5, 2025, to submit their applications. The eligibility and other information are listed below. Because there is no offline application form, interested candidates will need to apply online. The organization has the ability to extend application deadlines and fill vacancies. Candidates must verify their educational qualifications and age limits prior to applying online.

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About Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force

The Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) is India’s Central Paramilitary Force (CPMF), which is constrained by the Union Ministry of Home Affairs. It shares the Indo-China border with the Indian army, which is important from a geopolitical and strategic standpoint.

ITBP Head Constable Recruitment Notification

The Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) has given another notice through the business paper dated 29 June 2025, declaring the recruitment of 112 Head Constables (HC) for the places of Education and Stress Counselors. For the ITBP Head Constable (HC) Education and Stress Counsellor Vacancy 2025, eligible Indian citizens, both male and female, can apply online from July 7 to August 5, 2025.

Educational Qualification

  1. Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.): A Bachelor of Education from a recognized university or institution is required of all applicants. Candidates with this qualification are guaranteed to have a solid understanding of educational methods and practices.
  2. Degree with Psychology as a Subject: A bachelor’s degree in psychology from a reputable university or other educational establishment is required.

Application Fee 2025

When submitting an online application through one of the available online payment gateways, candidates who wish to be appointed as Head Constable (E&SC) in the ITBP will be required to pay the application fee. Male applicants from general, other backward classes, and economically disadvantaged sections must pay 100 rupees by August 5, 2025, or their applications will not be accepted.

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To be qualified for the ITBP Head Constable position in 2025, candidates should educational qualification models capability, age criteria, and ethnicity. Candidates must meet the eligibility requirements to be considered for the selection process.

  • To be considered for the position, Candidates must be between the ages of 20 and 25.
  • Candidates must have graduated from a reputable university with a degree in education or psychology.
  • The ITBP Head Constable position requires candidates to meet specific physical requirements, such as height and chest measurements.
  • These requirements differ by category, with particular height and chest requirements for general, regional, and ST candidates.

Syllabus & Exam Pattern

General Awareness, Reasoning, Numerical Ability, and Professional Knowledge related to the role are all covered in the ITBP Head Constable syllabus. In order to fully evaluate the candidates’ knowledge and abilities, the written exam covers these topics. For success on the recruitment exam, thorough preparation in all of these areas is essential.

SubjectMediumNo. of QuestionsMarksTime
General Arithmetic & ReasoningBilingual30302 hours
General KnowledgeBilingual2525
General EnglishEnglish3535
Theoretical Knowledge of ComputerBilingual1010

ITBP Head Constable Salary

The ITBP Head Constable’s annual salary ranges from Rs. 3,06,000 to Rs. 9,73,200 depending on experience and organizational rank. The competitive compensation offered to Head Constables in the Indo-Tibetan Border Police is reflected in this salary range, making it an appealing career choice for candidates looking for a rewarding career in law enforcement.

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Step to Apply ITBP Head Constable Recruitment 2025

  1. Go to, the official website.
  2. If you are a new user, click the new user registration link on the homepage.
  3. Enter the expected subtleties, including individual data, instructive capabilities, and other necessary details.
  4. Include a recent photograph, signature, and educational certificates among the required documents.
  5. If applicable, use one of the available online payment methods to pay the application fee.
  6. Select the “Submit” option.
  7. Take a cop and print it out.

Selection Process

The selection process for the post of Head Constable (E&SC) in Indo-Tibetan Border Police comprises three phases, which are as per the following:

  • PET & PST – The Physical Efficiency & Standard Test, which is likely to take place in August or July 2025, will be administered to applicants for the position of HC (E&SC).
  • Written Exam – Candidates who successfully complete the PET and PST will be invited to take the Written Examination.
  • Medical Examination – After qualifying for the Written Exam, candidates will be called in for a Medical Exam, and the final selection list will be made public.

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