ICSE 10th Result 2025 Release Date, Compartment Exams & Exam Schedule

ICSE Result 2025 Class 10- The Committee for the Indian School Declaration Assessments (CISCE) is supposed to deliver the ICSE tenth outcome 2025 in the primary seven day stretch of May 2025 on the authority site cisce.org. To check the ICSE 2025 outcome, understudies need to fill in their Record number, and UID alongside the given manual human test code. ICSE tenth outcome 2025 incorporates the outcome status, characteristics of ICSE tenth tests, and different subtleties of the understudy. ICSE board results are additionally made accessible through SMS. After the statement of ICSE tenth outcome 2025, understudies need to download the imprint sheets from the Digilocker or gather them from their separate schools.

ICSE 10th Result 2025

The ICSE class 10 and ISC class 12 exams are being administered offline by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). According to the authority date sheet, the class 10 tests are led between February 21 and March 28, 2025. While the class 12 tests will be held between February 12 and April 3, 2025. Understudies who are showing up for the yearly board tests will actually want to check and download their outcomes through the authority site – cisce.org by entering their login certifications, for example, UID, Record number, and Manual human test code. The Board will direct the Improvement tests allowing an opportunity to understudies to work on their presentation in ANY ONE SUBJECT.


Exam NameClass 10th Board Exam
Education BoardCouncil for the Indian School Certificate Examinations
Exam TypeAnnual Exams
Exam Dates21 February to 28 March 2025
Result Statusto be announced in May 2025

ICSE 10th Exam Schedule

The ICSE 10th tests for the scholarly meeting 2023-24 were booked from 21 February to 28 Walk 2025. In accordance with the ICSE curriculum, the exams last more than a month and cover a variety of topics. Lakhs of applicants showed up in the assessments at different test places the nation over.

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CISCE 10th Result Release Date

The CISCE is expected to report the tenth outcomes in May 2025. Last year, the committee reported the test results on 14 May. For the year 2025, while a particular date has not been uncovered, understudies are encouraged to watch the authority CISCE site for the most dependable and cutting-edge data with respect to their outcomes.

Details Available on ICSE 10th Marksheet

The ICSE 10th Marksheet is a significant report that exhibits an understudy’s presentation in the optional schooling last tests of the year and fills in as a basic record for future scholar and expert pursuits. The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) makes sure that the marksheet is detailed and has all the information needed to show how well a student did in their 10th grade class.

Here is a definite outline of what understudies and guardians can hope to find on an ICSE tenth Marksheet:

    1. Student’s Name: This incorporates the understudy’s complete name as enlisted with the CISCE.
    2. Student’s Unique ID: Each understudy is relegated a novel ID number by the CISCE, which is imprinted on the marksheet for reference.
    3. Date of Birth: The understudy’s date of birth, as recorded by the CISCE, is referenced for age confirmation purposes.
    4. School Name: The school where the understudy was selected.
    5. School Code: An extraordinary code doled out to each school subsidiary with the CISCE.
    6. Examination Year: The academic year the examination was conducted, indicating the study session.
    7. Subject Codes and Names: The academic year in which the exam was taken indicates the study session.
    8. Marks Obtained in Each Subject: For each subject, the mark sheet subtleties the imprints acquired out of the all out marks.
    9. Grades: Close by the imprints, grades are likewise given in light of the CISCE reviewing plan.
    10. Result Status shows whether the understudy has passed, fizzled, or accomplished a compartment in any subject.
    11. Total Marks: the total marks earned across all subjects.
    12. Division: The student receives the division or classification (First, Second, or Third) based on the total marks.
    13. Certificate Number: An interesting number doled out to the testament for check purposes.

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Revaluation/Re-checking Process

The CISCE provides students who believe there may have been an error in marking their answer sheets with a revaluation and rechecking option because it recognizes the importance of transparency and accuracy in the evaluation process. Following the declaration of the outcomes, subtleties on the most proficient method to apply for revaluation/re-checking will be accessible on the CISCE site. This cycle permits understudies to guarantee their endeavors are precisely reflected in their last scores.

ICSE 10th Results States

The ICSE 10th exams consistently have a high participation rate, with students achieving commendable scores across the board. However, the statistics for the 2023-24 session will not be available until after the results are announced. The outcomes feature the understudies’ scholarly accomplishments and the nature of instruction schools give under the CISCE.

Previous Year States
YearGirls’ Pass %Boys’ Pass %Overall Pass %Total No. of Appeared Students

Step to Check CISCE 10th Result Online:-

To check the ICSE 10th Result on the web, follow these means:

  1. Visit the authority CISCE site (cisce.org).
  2. Search for the connection to the ICSE 10th result 2025.
  3. Click on the connection and enter your Remarkable ID, Record number, and Manual human test code as taught on the page.
  4. When presented, your outcome will be shown on the screen.
  5. You can download and print a duplicate of the outcome for future reference.

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ICSE Re-evaluation Result 2025

The students who are not happy with their ICSE tenth outcome 2025, can apply for the review and find their solution booklets reconsidered. To submit an application for reevaluation, students are encouraged to follow the steps listed below. The ICSE Revaluation result 2025 will be reported in July.

  • Check out the official cisce.org 10th result 2025 website.
  • Presently towards the highest point of the site, click on ‘Administrations’.
  • Presently click on ‘Snap here for Apply Review’. After this, another window will open on the screen.
  • Understudies need to peruse every one of the guidelines and snap on ‘Snap here to Enlist.’
  • Presently, another page will open where understudies should sign in utilizing their Email address and secret word.
  • Enter the subtleties in the asked field and apply for reviewing.

ICSE 10th Result 2025 for Compartment Exams

Students are eligible to take the compartment exam if they pass all four subjects, including English, but fail one subject outside of those four. They should allude to the ICSE tenth test design and get ready effectively for the test.

  • It is to be noticed that the good grades per subject are 33% of the absolute stamps.
  • Understudies had the option to apply for the compartment tests in May/June 2025 The test will be directed in July after the statement of the ICSE tenth outcome 2025.
  • Understudies should investigate the ICSE time table for Class 10 and ensure the date and season of the compartment test.
  • Understudies can check their ICSE Class tenth outcome 2025 for compartment tests in August 2025

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