Karan Johar has announced that Siddhant Chaturvedi and Triptii Dimri will star in his upcoming film, “Dhadak 2.” The director had previously denied that “Dhadak 2” is being produced by his production company, Dharma Productions. On Monday, Karan Johar posted a motion poster with Siddhant and Triptii Dimri on it to Instagram. The movie coordinated by Shazia Iqbal will release in performance centers on November 22, 2025.
Dhadak 2 Movie
Dharma Movies, Karan Johar’s home studio, will be producing a new film, he announced on his Instagram profile. The upcoming film, titled Dhadak 2, will star Triptii Dimri and Siddhant Chaturvedi in the lead roles. Shazia Iqbal will direct this movie. In addition, Karan uploaded a video to the announcement that may provide some insight into the film’s subject matter.
Release Date
Dhadak 2 is set to be release on November 2, 2025 in theaters. Dhadak 2 is a heartfelt show movie coordinated by Shazia Iqbal, the film was composed by Rahul Badwelkar and Shazia Iqbal, and created by Karan Johar, Umesh KR Bansal. Featuring Siddhant Chaturvedi and Tripti Dimri in lead jobs.
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Hit Movie Dhadak
Something brand-new is in store for Dhadak fans in 2019. Dhadak 2, the film’s official sequel, has been confirmed. Siddhant Chaturvedi and Triptii Dimri will play the lead roles this time around. Shazia Iqbal, a newcomer, will be in charge of the film when it opens in theaters on November 22, 2025. The powerful slogans “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty” and “Dalit lives matter” appear on the poster for Dhadak 2. These clues suggest that the movie will tackle significant social issues.
The Original Dhadak Starring
The first Dhadak featured Janhvi Kapoor and Ishaan Khatter and was a redo of the well known Marathi film Sairat. Due to its emotional depth, it was well-received by audiences and explored themes of love across social barriers. Dhadak 2 vows to carry on this practice with a holding tale about the difficulties presented by cultural standards and the intricacies of adoration. The question of whether true love can overcome class and caste barriers will be the focus of the movie.
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The OTT Release of The Movie
At this point, nothing has been reported about the OTT arrival of the film. Since each film ultimately land up on OTT, we hope to seen Dhadak 2 release on OTT to weeks or months after it’s dramatic release. Dhadak 2, the upcoming film from Karan Johar, has been announced. KJo took to his virtual entertainment handle on Monday and dropped a declaration video, uncovering the film’s stars Siddhant Chaturvedi and Triptii Dimri.
A Cinematic Experience With Romance & Drama
The declaration video indicates a story that will by and by push limits, diving into the intricacies of affection and testing cultural standards. Crowds can expect a realistic encounter loaded up with sentiment, show, and profound profundity. This denotes the principal on-screen joint effort among Chaturvedi and Dimri, promising a new and invigorating dynamic. The movie, which will be produced by Jorhar himself and directed by Shazia Iqbal, is scheduled to be released on November 22, 2025.
Dhadak 2 Movie Trailer
The first instalment released in 2016, featured Janhvi Kapoor and Ishaan Khatter and proceeded to turn into a business achievement. The movie was a remake of the Marathi film Sairat, which was well-received and critically acclaimed. It was about love transcending social barriers and had a profound impact on audiences. With Dhadak 2, Johar hopes to rekindle the magic by telling a story that is one of a kind and will captivate viewers.
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Final Words
Karan Johar revealed in a video posted to his Instagram account just a few hours ago that his upcoming film Dhadak 2 is all set to arouse fans. The perception held by many filmmakers that love stories with happy endings only work on big screens has apparently changed. The producers are presently trying a profound go to the film by presenting an eccentric closure. Karan also revealed the Dhadak 2 release date during the movie’s announcement. Allow us to additionally investigate release date, projects, and storyline of Dhadak 2.