CISCE Class 11 Syllabus One of India’s most prominent school boards is the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). It has a rigorous curriculum and administers the Indian School Certificate (ISC) and Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) exams, which are the term-end exams for secondary and higher secondary standards, respectively. During the pandemic, the CISCE board had reduced and revised the session syllabus, but it has now returned to the previous syllabus. The syllabus for ISC Class 11 and 12 is now available. Now that the ISC and ICSE exams for 2022-23 have come to an end, it’s time to start getting ready for next year. In Class 11, students who recently completed Class 10 will select their respective subjects and streams.
CISCE Class 11 Syllabus 2025
As a result, it’s critical to review the most recent ISC class 11 syllabus. This not only gives you an idea of the kind of study you’ll need to do over the next two years, but it also helps you figure out if the subject is right for you. The complete list of the 2025 ISC class 11 syllabus is available here, and you can download it as a PDF file. Students can choose from a wide range of subjects in ISC Class 11 and combine them. Students who wish to pursue a career in medicine can choose to major in biology, chemistry, or biotechnology, while those with a preference for business and finance can combine Commerce, Accounts, and Economics.
CISCE Class 11 Syllabus 2025 Date
Authority | Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) |
Syllabus | CISCE Class 11 Syllabus 2025 |
Modified Subjects | Chemistry, Maths, Biology, and History |
Deleted Chapters | Chemistry(Hydrogen, s-block Elements andSome p-Block Elements) |
CISCE Class 11 Revised Syllabus Notification Link | Check Here |
CISCE Class 11 Syllabus 2025 Link | Check Here |
Official website | |
All Subjects Of ISC Class 11 Syllabus 2025
ISC is an education board recognized by the government. Before applying for enrollment in 11th grade, students are required to thoroughly review the curriculum. For them to do well on their exams, they need to be familiar with the topics covered in each subject. Students can also ask their teachers for help with important syllabus questions or access them on the Extramarks website.
The following is a list of the class 11 subject-specific syllabuses:
- Physical-World and Measurement
- Physical-world
- Units and measurement
- The Motion of the System of Particles and Rigid Body
- The idea of center of mass: center of mass of a two-particle system
- Laws of Motion
- The general concept of force, inertia, Newton’s first law of motion
- Kinematics
- Motion in a straight line
- Motion in a plane
- Gravitation
- Kepler’s law of planetary motion, the universal law of gravitation. Generation due to gravity and its variation with altitude latitude and depth
- Gravitational potential and gravitational potential energy, escape velocity, orbital velocity of a satellite, geostationary satellites
- Work, Power, and Energy
- Work done by a constant force and a variable force, Kinetic energy
- Heat and Thermodynamics
- Thermal properties of matter
- Thermodynamics
- Oscillations and Waves
- Oscillations
- Wave
- Properties of Bulk Matter
- Mechanical properties of fluids
- Chemical properties of solids
- Paper-II- practical work
- Project work and practical file
Physical Chemistry topics:
- Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry
- General introduction: importance and scope of chemistry
- States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
- States of matter and their characteristic properties
- Chemical Thermodynamics
- Introduction, concepts types of system
- Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
- Valence electrons, ionic bond character
- Structure of an Atom
- Discovery of fundamental particles electron
- Equilibrium
- Ionic Equilibrium
- Chemical Equilibrium
- Redox reactions
- Concept of oxidation and reduction
- s- Block elements
- Group one and two elements
- Preparation and properties of some important compounds
- Some p- Block elements
- Group 13 elements
- Group 14 elements
- Preparation and properties of some important compounds
- Important compounds
- Hydrocarbons
- Classification of Hydrocarbons
- Aliphatic hydrocarbons
- Aromatic hydrocarbons
- Hydrogen
- Hydrogen and its compounds
- Environmental chemistry
- Types of environmental pollution (air, soil, and water pollution)
- Organic chemistry: some basic principles and techniques
- General introduction, classification, and IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds and isomerism
- Practical Paper:
- Basic Laboratory Techniques
- Titration
- Set and functions
- Sets
- Relations and functions
- Trigonometry
- Coordinate Geometry
- Straight lines
- Calculus
- Circles
- Limits and derivatives
- Statistics and probability
- Statistics
- Probability
- Introduction to 3-dimensional geometry
- Distance between two points and Section formula
- Coordinates a point
- Statistics
- Combined mean and standard deviation
- Rank correlation by spearman’s (correction included)
- The median, quartiles, deciles, percentiles, and mode of grouped and ungrouped data
- Index numbers and moving averages
- Moving averages
- Index numbers
- Algebra
- Principle of mathematical induction complex number
- Permutation and combination
- Sequence and series
- Quadratic equations
- Binomial Theorem
- Calculus
- Limits and derivatives
- Conic section
- Sections of cone
- Ellipse
- Parabola
- Hyperbola
- Mathematical reasoning
- Correlation analysis
- Coefficient of correlation by Karl Pearson
- Definition and meaning of covariance
- Diversity of living organisms
- Animal Kingdom
- The living world
- Plant Kingdom
- Biological classification
- Cell: structure and function
- Cell-the unit of life
- Cell cycle and cell division
- Biomolecules
- Human physiology
- Digestion and absorption
- Body fluids and circulation
- Locomotion and movement
- Chemical coordination and integration of endocrine glands and hormones
- Breathing and exchange of gases
- Excretory Products and their elimination
- Neural control and coordination
- Structural organization in animal and plants
- Morphology of flowering plants
- Structural organization in animals
- Anatomy of flowering plants
- Cockroach
- Plant physiology
- Transport in plants
- Photosynthesis in higher plants
- Plant growth and development
- Mineral nutrition
- Respiration in plants
- Practical work
- Project work
- Composition, types of composition- narrative, argumentative, short story, descriptive, discussion types, and reflective
- Writing section including article, review, speech, personal profile, statement of purpose, report writing and proposal writing
- Grammar section
- Reading comprehension
Computer Science
- Numbers
- Representation of numbers in different bases and interconversion between them, eg. Binary, decimal, octal, hexadecimal
- Propositional logic, hardware implementation, arithmetic operations
- Propositional logic
- Logic and hardware
- Objects
- Objects as data (attributes) + behavior (methods or methods)
- The basic concept of a virtual machine
- Analysis of some real-world programming examples in terms of objects and classes
- Compile-time and run-time errors
- Variables, expressions
- Variables as names for values
- Assignment operation
- Named constant final
- Difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side of an assignment
- Methods and constructors
- Methods and constructors
- Formal arguments and actual arguments in methods
- Methods as a mechanism for side effects
- Different behavior of primitive and object argument
- Introduction to object-oriented programming using Java
- Primitive values, wrapper classes, types, and casting
- Primitive values and types
- Statements, scope
- Statements
- Grouping statements
- Arrays, strings
- Structured data types-arrays
- Example algorithms that use structured data types
- Strings
- Recursion
- Concept of recursion
- Simple recursive methods
- Packages
- Definition
- Importing user-defined packages
- Creation of packages
- Interaction of objects across packages
- Paper-II- Practical
- Projects
- Introduction to Accounting
- Types of accounts
- Background of accounting and accountancy
- Journal, Ledger, and Trial Balance
- Subdivision of journal – cash book
- Ledger: posting from journal to respective ledgers
- Journal: recording of the journal with narration
- Bank Reconciliation Statement
- Bank reconciliation statement
- Depreciation
- Problems relating to the purchase and sales of assets incorporating
- Methods of charging depreciation
- Depreciation
- Bills of Exchange
- Practical problems
- Introduction to negotiable instruments
- Accounting Concepts
- Marshaling of the balance sheet
- Preparation of the trading account
- Trading
- Provisions and reserves
- Capital and revenue expenditure/income
- Rectification of Errors
- Types of errors
- Errors
- Accounts from incomplete records
- Ascertainment of profit/loss by the statement of affairs methods including applications
- Single entry and difference of double entry
- Non-Trading Organisation
- Preparation of income
- Different books maintained and differences between them
- Non-trading organizations
- Introduction to the use of computers in accounting
- Management information system
- Accounting information system
- Advantages and limitations of CAS
- Components of CAS, features
- Introduction to the Computerised Accounting System
- Project work
- Growth of Nationalism
- Revolutionary Nationalism
- Swadeshi Movement
- The emergence of the Colonial Economy
- Development of modern industries
- Disruption of the traditional economy
- Development of means of transportation and economy
- Colonial forest policy – impact on local communities
- Social and Religious Movements
- Aligarh movement
- Arya samaj
- Brahmo samaj
- Reform movements
- Impact of modern ideas in Europe on Indian administrators
- Struggle against caste: Veerasaligsm, Naryan Guru, and Jyotirao Phule
- The women’s question
- Protest against colonial rule
- Gandhian Nationalism [1916-1922]
- Agitation against the Rowlatt Act, Jallianwala Bagh [1919]
- The launching of the passive resistance movement by Gandhi
- Gandhian Nationalism [1927-1934]
- Civil Disobedience Movement [1930-1934]
- Simon Commission
- World War I: causes, events leading to it
- Introduction to new technologies and strategies
- Short term causes
- Nationalism
- Arm race
- Imperial rivalry
- An outline of main long-term alliances
- Peace settlement after world war I and establishment of a league of nations:
- League of nations
- Failure of collective security [Manchuria and Abyssinia]
- Establishment of the mandate system
- League of Nations – membership [absence of major powers]
- The Great Depreciation
- Causes leading to the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and its impact on the economy of Japan, France, Britain, Germany and the USA.
- Rise of Communism: Russia [1917-1939]
- The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 – a brief account of events in 1917
- Rise of Fascism: Italy [1919-1939]
- Main features of the Mussolini domestic policy
- Post-war discontent and the rise of power of Benito Mussolini
- The Rise of Nazism: Germany [1933-39]
- The Nazi State: from 1933 onwards
- Rise of Hitler to power and factors assisting his rise
- Rise of Militarism: Japan [1919-1973]
- Events leading to the attack of pearl harbour
- Reasons for militarism in the 1930s
- Expansion into China
- Project
- Origin and Development of Anthropology and Sociology
- Sociology and other Social Sciences
- Classic Thinkers and Theories
- The emergence of Sociology and Anthropology as Disciplines
- Research Methodology
- Historical method and scientific
- Statistical method, fieldwork, and case study method
- Methods of Sociology and Anthropology – Comparative Method
- Importance of Research Methodology in Sociology and Anthropology
- Basic concepts
- Culture
- Socialization – Man as a social animal
- Individual and Society
- Social structure
- Social processes
- Status and role
- Social groups
- Social problems
- Special requirements
- Abled to discuss with reference to social, cultural environment and infrastructure – attitudes
- Problems of the aged and differently-abled to be discussed with reference to social
- Overpopulation
- Indian Sociologists
- MN Srinivas – the concept of Brahminisation and Sanskritisation
- Irawati Karve – Kinship and the family
- NK Bose – the Hindu method of tribal absorption
- GS Ghurye – theories of the origin of the caste system
- Radha Kamal Mukherjee – Social Ecology
- Project work
Home Science
- Concept and Scope of Home Sciences
- Career options in Home Sciences
- Importance and Relevance of the study of Home Sciences
- Introduction to the five streams of Home Sciences and how they integrate to form a meaningful whole
- Food and Nutrition
- Elementary study of micro and macronutrients
- A review of the relationship between food and health, the importance of a balanced diet for everyday life
- Resource management
- Fundamentals of banking
- Savings and investments
- Work simplification
- Management: the need for management at home
- Efficient management resources – material, human and shared [community]
- Human development
- Understanding special needs
- Philosophy of human development
- Periods of growth and development during childhood
- Introduction to the study of human development
- Textiles and clothing
- Textiles finishing
- Fabric construction
- Textile fibres
- Introduction to communication and extension
- Role of audio and visual aids in communication and extension
- Mass – print and electronic
- Group – discussions, demonstrations and field trips
- Individual – verbal and written
- Methods of communication – individual
- Practical
- The subject Psychology
- Heredity and Environment
- Fields of Psychology
- Definition of Psychology
- Methods of Psychology
- Basic Statistical concepts – statistics, sample, population
- Use of statistics in the integration of data
- Interpretation of search results
- Scientific methods in Psychology – Observation
- Attention and perception
- Errors in perception – illusions of size and shape
- Perceptual processes – the difference between sensation and perception
- Nature of attention – its inner and outer determinants
- Emotions and motivation
- Frustration – blocking of motives
- Social motives
- Theories of motivation
- What is meant by theories, motives and instincts
- Theories of emotional dealing with physiological
- What is meant by emotions: basic emotions
- Learning
- Learning disabilities – definition and types
- Classical and operant conditioning
- How learning takes place
- What is meant by learning?
- Remembering and forgetting
- How memory can be improved
- Why and how forgetting occurs
- How it works – different models
- The memory system
- Thinking, problem solving and creativity
- Creative thinking – what is meant by convergent and divergent thinking
- Reasoning – how it is carried out
- Concepts and how they are formed
- What is meant by thinking
CISCE ISC Class 11 Syllabus 2025 Download Online
The topics in the ISC Class 11 Syllabus for 2025 are important for understanding complex ideas and are also needed to pass most competitive exams. Additionally, the eleventh grade is one of a student’s most significant academic years. The courses that students in Class 11 choose to take are up to them. These subjects must be chosen carefully because they determine one’s career path. Before making any decisions, students should also review the Class 11 ISC Syllabus 2025 for each subject. After selecting a stream, students must consult the ISC Class 11 Syllabus 2025 at the start of the academic year. It will help with efficient understanding of the concept and proactive study planning.
How to Download the CISCE Class 11 All Syllabus 2025?
Follow these steps to access the CISCE Class 11 Syllabus for the 2023-2014 session year:
- Visit the CISCE website or follow the direct link provided in the table above.
- Swiping down, select the Library (Publications) section.
- Select the link for the revised CISCE ISC Class 11 syllabus.
- Choose the course for which you want the most recent syllabus.
- The most recent syllabus will appear on the screen. Get it right away and get ready for a career in academia.
- Start by looking over the syllabus for the subjects you want to study.
Deleted chapters of CISCE Class 11 Syllabus 2025
For the academic year 2025–25, the CISCE Class 11 syllabus has undergone significant revisions. Three chapters from the Chemistry syllabus for 11th grade have been removed or omitted. The deleted chapters are as follows:
- Hydrogen
- s-Block Elements
- Some p-Block Elements
The curriculum will be rewritten in a way that is in line with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and will encourage holistic learning and skill development.
Purpose of The CISCE Class 11 Syllabus 2025 Change
For the academic year 2025–25, the CISCE Class 11 syllabus has undergone significant revisions. These changes accomplish a number of significant goals:
Alignment with NEP 2020:
- The curriculum will be brought into line with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 by the revisions.
- The development of skills, holistic learning, and the practical application of knowledge are emphasized in this policy.
Promoting Diverse Talents:
- The syllabus acknowledges the diverse talents and career goals of students by including vocational subjects.
- It provides students with a wider range of educational opportunities, allowing them to investigate practical skills in addition to more conventional academic subjects.
Enhancing Learning Outcomes:
- By incorporating current and relevant material, the revised syllabus aims to improve learning outcomes.
- It prepares students for future challenges and reflects the changing educational landscape.
Improve Their Exam Scores Easy Ways to Ace Class 11 Under the ISC Board
Some students may find the syllabus for 11th grade to be a little challenging. However, students can effectively prepare for their exams and finish the ISC class 11 syllabus on time if they have good time management skills and a study plan. Students can improve their exam scores by following these hints:
- In advance, students must have a thorough understanding of each topic.
- Set a specific time for each subject and adhere to it.
- Revise the chapters as well after the topic or chapter is finished.
- Students must then refer to guides, practice tests, sample tests, and ICSE question papers from previous years after completing the syllabus.
- Make a note of all your doubts in a notebook.
- Pay more attention to the little things and subjects that you think are important.
- Try to learn every concept by learning the answer’s various steps in detail.
- When preparing for the exam, don’t forget about your health.
- Take care of your health and get enough sleep on time because doing so helps you stay focused and productive.