At a grand event on Tuesday, the makers of Buddy made the official trailer for their movie. Gayatri Bharadwaj and Allu Sirish will play the lead roles in the upcoming action-thriller. The trailer for Buddy suggests that the story centers on Aditya Ram, a commercial pilot played by Allu Sirish, who gets into trouble with a dangerous mafia boss (Ajmal Amir). However, Aditya’s Teddy Bear friend, who assists him in his quest to eliminate his foes and confront evil head-on, is the film’s highlight.
Buddy Movie
Buddy is coordinated by Sam Anton and delivered by KE Gnanavelraja and Aadhana Gnanavelraja under the Studio Green Movies flag. The film’s group cast incorporates entertainers like Prisha Rajesh Singh, Ali, and Mukesh Kumar, among others. Buddy is composed by Sai Hemanth. Hiphop Tamizha is the music chief for the film. Sakthi Saravanan has choreographed the action sequences. On this event, the producers additionally reported the delivery date for their film; Buddy is set to hit venues on July 26.
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Release Date
The Buddy movie is released to open in theaters on July 26, 2025. The film projects Allu Sirish and Prisha Rajesh Singh in the principal lead jobs alongside Ajmal Amir, Mukeshkumar, Ali, and numerous other people who have been found in supporting jobs. Hiphop Tamizha composed the soundtrack, Krishnan Vasant shot the footage, and Ruben edited the film. The film is created by K.E. Gnanavelraja and Aadhana Gnanavelraja under the Studio Green Movies flag.
Buddy is the most recent Telugu activity parody show coordinated by Sam Anton. The film stars Allu Sirish, Gayatri Bhardwaj, and Prisha Rajesh ahead of the pack jobs, with Sriram Reddy Polasane, Mohammed Ali, and Prisha Singh in supporting jobs. This imprints Allu Sirish’s rebound film following a two-year break from Urvasivo Rakshasivo. The movie was made by KE Gnanavelraja and Aadhana Ganavelraja for Studio Green Films Private Limited. The musicals were edited by Hip Hop Tamizha Adhi, a Tamil composer.
Plot: Buddy Movie
Buddy is an impending Telugu language parody, activity movie that highlights entertainers like llu Sirish, Ajmal Amir, Prisha Rajesh Singh, Mukeshkumar, Mohammed Ali, while it is coordinated by Sam Anton. Experience the enchantment of ‘Buddy Film’ as it rejuvenates an uncommon story of kinship and experience. Audiences will be transported into a world through captivating images and touching scenes.
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Buddy Movie Cast
Buddy, Allu Sirish’s next film, stars Gayatri Bharadwaj as the heroine and Ajmal Amir in a pivotal role. The movie is delivered by KE Gnanavelraja and Adhana Gnanavelraja under the pennant of Studio Green Movies, with Sam Anton as the chief. The declaration for the primary single from the film, which is charged as a dream based performer, was made today.
Staring Of Buddy Movie
The lead heroines in Allu Sirish’s most recent film, “Buddy,” are Gayatri Bharadwaj and Prisha Rajesh Singh. The movie is created by KE Gnanavel Raja and Adhana Gnanavel Raja under the Green Movies pennant and is coordinated by Sam Anton, with Neha Gnanavel Raja as the co-maker. “Buddy,” a young romantic comedy, is getting ready for a big theatrical release on July 26. Today, the movie’s trailer was shown in Hyderabad.
Buddy Movie Trailer
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Final Words
Sam Anton is the head of the Telugu activity satire diversion film Buddy. Alongside Ajmal Amir, Mukesh Kumar, Ali, and a few additional entertainers who have showed up in supporting parts, the film stars Allu Sirish and Prisha Rajesh Singh in the key lead jobs. The soundtrack was provided by Hiphop Tamizha, and Krishnan Vasant and Ruben edited the film. Under the Studio Green Movies name, K.E. Gnanavelraja and Aadhana Gnanavelraja are delivering the film. The film Buddy is booked to open in performance centers on July 26, 2025.