The reality show Bigg Boss OTT 3 is finally scheduled to end on Friday, after one and a half months. Additionally, reports claim that the house already has its top two finalists before the finale is streamed online. One of the reality show’s most talked-about contestants, Ranvir Shorey, was reportedly kicked out just hours before the showdown. After Armaan Malik and Lovekesh Kataria were eliminated from Bigg Boss OTT 3 earlier this week, Ranvir Shorey, Naezy, Kritika Malik, Sai Ketan Rao, and Sana Makbul emerged as the season’s finalists. Sai Ketan Rao and Sana Makbul were also eliminated.
Bigg Boss OTT 3 Winner Name 2025
The countdown to Bigg Boss OTT 3 has begun, and today will be the day that the winner is announced. However, the initial reports have come out, and insiders have already revealed the top two contestants who are competing for the title. Scroll down for all the exciting details. This season saw numerous controversies and twists. At first, Anil Kapoor took over as host from Salman Khan. Although Armaan Malik made a lot of noise about his two wives, one of the biggest shocks was Payal Malik’s sudden expulsion.
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The Final Eliminations
Sai Ketan Rao was the first to be evicted, taking fifth place, followed by Kritika Malik, who came in fourth. In an astonishing turn, Ranvir Shorey, one of the time’s most well known hopefuls, was disposed of in third spot, passing on Naezy and Sana Makbul to go head to head in the final showdown.
Bigg Boss OTT 3 Winner 2025
It’s hard to tell who will win between Naezy and Sana Makbul because both have a lot of fans. However, a number of insiders are confirming that Sana Makbul is Bigg Boss OTT 3’s winner. Yes, that is correct! Talk on the show’s set also suggests this outcome. Sana Makbul leads with 67.2% of the votes in one of Bigg Boss Tak’s largest polls on X, while Naezy is in last place with 32.8%. The actress was also declared the winner by the Khabri, whose predictions always come true. The winner will receive Rs 25L in cash.
When Is Bigg Boss OTT 3 Finale?
The Bigg Boss OTT Season 3 winner will receive a substantial prize of Rs 25 lakh in addition to the coveted Bigg Boss OTT trophy. The finalist who successfully overcomes the show’s obstacles and intrigues will receive this prize.
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Season & Controversies
The first episode of Bigg Boss OTT, a spinoff of the popular Bigg Boss franchise, aired on Voot and featured Karan Johar, a filmmaker, as the host. Salman Khan, a star in Bollywood, took over as host in the second season. This season, which Anil Kapoor is hosting, has been marked by significant controversies. These controversies include legal cases involving alleged inappropriate content and a notable incident in which a contestant slapped a peer, which caused widespread outrage on social media.
Watch Bigg Boss OTT 3 Finale Online
The entire season has been streamed round-the-clock on JioCinema, so fans can watch the finale live there. Viewers will require a JioCinema Premium subscription to view the finale. You will be able to follow the action in real time as the winner is chosen because of this.
Who Are Bigg Boss OTT 3 Finalists?
Following the recent eliminations of Shivani Kumari and Vishal Pandey, the remaining finalists for Bigg Boss OTT 3 are Ranvir Shorey, Sai Ketan Rao, Naezy, Sana Maqbul, Lovekesh Kataria, Armaan Malik, and Kritika Malik. According to reports, Lovekesh Kataria and Armaan Malik were also eliminated by surprise this week.
In the most recent episode of Weekend Ka Vaar, the show experienced a dramatic double elimination. Six contestants remained in the running after Shivani Kumari and Vishal Pandey were kicked out. As the remaining housemates get closer to the end, this decision has raised the stakes.
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Bigg Boss OTT 3 Updates
- Immunity of Ranvir Shorey: Ranvir Shorey, as the captain at the moment, has immunity for the time being. He is still a strong contender at the moment, but this status may change as the finale gets closer.
- Change in Date for the Finale: Due to scheduling conflicts with other shows on the platform, the finale has been moved to August 2. It was originally scheduled for August 4. The finale’s precise time has not yet been determined, but it is anticipated to begin between 6 and 7 p.m.
The race to determine the winners is heating up as the finale draws nearer. Lovekesh Kataria has emerged as a strong contender, despite the fact that Vishal Pandey’s elimination has shifted attention away from him. Additionally, Ranvir Shorey is a possibility for second place. Fans can anticipate a dramatic conclusion to the show as the final winner is revealed in the remaining days. On August 2, catch all of the action live on JioCinema.