At the Summer Olympics, Ankita Dhyani from India will race in the women’s 5000-meter event. She grew up in Uttarakhand and used to train with young men for Army selection at a high altitude of 1400m. When she was 22, she ran for India’s athletics team in the 5000m at the 2022 Asian Games. Last May, she qualified for the Asian Athletics Championship. At this year’s Track Fest in California, she achieved her best time of 15:28.08 for the 5000m race. She also took part and won a bronze medal.
Ankita Dhyani Biography
This is Ankita Dhyani’s first big medal. She mainly runs in outdoor 5000- and 1500-meter races. In 2019 and 2020, she won gold medals at the Khelo India games in both events. Ankita was born in Marod town in the Pauri Garhwal region of Uttarakhand. Her talent was noticed when she trained with older boys preparing for the Army in her town. Training at a height of 1400 meters helped her develop her skills in long-distance running. Competing at a young level, Ankita Dhyani earned her place in the World U-20 Championships in 2021. She won gold medals in the 1500m and 5000m at the Organization Cup U-20 Championships in Sangrur in January that year.
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National Record at Junior Nationals
She first broke the U-20 National Record at the Junior Nationals in Guwahati. She finished with a time of 16:21.19, beating the old record set by Sunita Rani at 16:21.59. That year, she also won her first senior national medal. She earned a bronze at the Inter-State in Patiala with a time of 16:58.07. In 2022, she moved entirely to senior competition. She won a gold medal in the 10000m at the Open Nationals in Bengaluru, recording a time of 34:39.95. She also took part in several other domestic competitions. She won silver in the 1500 meter race at the National Games, Federation Cup, Inter-State, and Inter-Railways.
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Paris Olympics Qualification
The world ranking rule helped Ankita Dhyani join the Olympics in Paris in 2025. On July 2, she was ranked 42nd in the latest World Athletics ranking. Even with many withdrawals, Ankita was able to get in after being outside the list at first. In the same way, India’s Jeswin Aldrin used the world ranking rule to reach the 2025 Olympics after not making it at first.
Recent Performances
Ankita Dhyani, in her latest competition, finished with a time of 16:10.31 in the women’s 5000m race at the National Inter-State Senior Athletics Championships. This event took place last month in Panchkula, Haryana. Ankita won a gold medal because of her great performance.
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Ankit Dhyani’s Previous Records
- Ankita Dhyani won a junior gold medal at the Federation Cup U20 Championships in January 2021. She competed in the 1500m and 5000m races. After that, she secured her place at the World U20 Sports Titles, finishing in eighth place in Nairobi. She went on to break the U20 National Record at the Junior Nationals in Guwahati. Her time was 16:21.19 seconds, which beat the old record of 16:21.59 seconds set by Sunita Rani.
- That year, she also earned a bronze medal at the Inter-State games in Patiala, with a time of 16:58.07 seconds. In 2022, Dhyani won the gold medal in the 10000m race at the Open Nationals in Bengaluru, stopping the clock at 34:39.95 seconds.
- She gained silver medals in the 1500-meter race at the National Games, Federation Cup, Inter-State, and Inter-Railways championships. For the outdoor season, she focused on the 5000-meter race. She won gold medals at the Federation Cup, National Open, and at two Indian Grand Prix events.
- She took home the bronze medal at the Asian Athletics Championships in Bangkok later that same year, with a time of 16:03.33 seconds. At the Asian Games in 2023, her personal best was 15:33.03 seconds, placing fifth.