Jocelyn Moorhouse is the director of the comedy film “The Fabulous Four,” which was written by Ann Marie Allison and Jenna Milly in 2025. The plot centers on three friends who set out on a journey as bridesmaids for a college friend’s surprise wedding. Bette Midler, Megan Mullally, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Bruce Greenwood, and Timothy V star alongside Susan Sarandon. Michael Bolton, Murphy, and others The characters of Ralph, Mullally, and Sarandon in The Fabulous Four’s trailer go on a girls’ trip, which leads them to become bridesmaids in Midler’s surprise wedding.
The Fabulous Four Movie
In THE FABULOUS FOUR, Sarandon, Mullally, and Ralph—longtime friends—travel to Key West, Florida, as bridesmaids for a surprise wedding of their college roommate Marilyn (Midler). Sisterhoods are rekindled there, the past comes back to life in all its glory, and there are enough sparks, drinks, and romance to change all of their lives in ways they never thought possible. The crazy things they’ll do, like parasailing and using a kegel ball to stop a thief, are shown in the video.
Release Date
The Fabulous Four will be released in 2025 as a limited edition on July 26, 2025. Deadpool & Wolverine, Didi, and The Girl in the Pool are among 12 other films opening on the same day.
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Susan Sarandon, Megan Mullally, and Sheryl Lee Ralph lead a group of longtime friends to Key West, Florida, for the surprise wedding of their best college friend Marilyn (Bette Midler). Sisterhoods are rekindled, the past is brought back to life, and there are enough sparks, raunch, and romance to alter all of their lives in unexpected ways over the course of one outrageous trip. To serve as bridesmaids in Marilyn’s surprise wedding, three friends from college travel to Key West, Florida.
Staring Of The Fabulous Four Movie
Sarandon, Mullally, and Ralph—longtime friends—travel to Key West, Florida, to serve as bridesmaids for the surprise wedding of their college girlfriend Marilyn (Midler). Sisterhoods are rekindled there, the past comes back to life in all its glory, and there are enough sparks, drinks, and romance to change all of their lives in ways they never thought possible. Sisterhoods are rekindled there, the past resurfaces in all its glory, and there are enough sparks, drinks, and romance to alter all of their lives in ways they never anticipated.
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The Fabulous Four Movie Cast
Jocelyn Moorhouse directs the film from a screenplay by Ann Marie Allison and Jenna Milly. Bette Midler portrays Marilyn, Sheryl Lee Ralph portrays Kitty, Susan Sarandon portrays Lou, Megan Mullally portrays Alice, and Bruce Greenwood plays Timothy V. Nicholas Velez, Abigail Dolan, Renika Williams, Murphy, Sophie von Haselberg, Brandee Evans, and more Lauren Hantz and Richard Barton Lewis are the producers.
The Plot: The Fabulous Four Movie
Timothy V. Sheryl Lee Ralph (Abbott Elementary), Under an Interim Agreement from SAG-AFTRA, Murphy (Appaloosa) and Bruce Greenwood (The Fall of the House of Usher) have boarded The Fabulous Four, a new comedy from Bleecker Street that has begun production in Georgia. As previously stated, the actors join a group that also includes Megan Mullally, Bette Midler, and Susan Sarandon.
The Fabulous Four Movie Trailer
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Final Words
Jocelyn Moorhouse is the director of the comedy film “The Fabulous Four,” which was written by Ann Marie Allison and Jenna Milly in 2025. The plot centers on three friends who set out on a journey as bridesmaids for a college friend’s surprise wedding. Bette Midler, Megan Mullally, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Bruce Greenwood, and Timothy V star alongside Susan Sarandon. Michael Bolton, Murphy, and others Ralph will play Sissy Spacek, who had been attached since last fall but had to leave because of scheduling conflicts. The film’s North American rights were acquired by Bleecker Street in October of last year, and it will be shown in U.S. theaters in 2025.