The long-awaited “Ishq Vishk Rebound” teaser has finally been released. The film marks Hrithik Roshan’s cousin, Pashmina Roshan’s presentation. Additionally, the film features Jibraan Khan (of “Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham”), Naila Grrewal, and Rohit Saraf. Although “Ishq Vishk Rebound” is based on contemporary dating, the movie’s title is derived from the 2003 film “Ishq Vishk,” starring Shahid Kapoor, Amrita Rao, and Shenaz Treasury. The secret of ‘Ishq Vishk Rebound’ offers a brief look into the charming romantic tale and fellowship between the star cast of the film. Pashmina Roshan, who makes her Bollywood debut in this film, is paired with Rohit Saraf.
Ishq Vishk Rebound Movie
The film additionally stars Naila Grrewal of ‘Maamla Lawful Hai’ distinction and Jibraan Khan, who played Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol’s little child in ‘Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham’. Naila Grrewal once discussed “Ishq Vishk Rebound” with She expressed that while the title might propose an association with the first film, the plot and characters are unique, offering a cutting edge take on sentiment and connections: “I feel like individuals will generally believe that it’s a change, yet at the same it’s not. If you have any desire to watch the film, you can proceed to watch the first ‘Ishq Vishk’. However, with “Ishq Vishk Rebound,” we offer you something new. We’re giving you that adoration, that sentiment, that romantic comedy vibe that we as a whole love.”
Release Date
The release of the highly anticipated film’s teaser, “Ishq Vishk Rebound,” has sparked excitement among cinephiles. Planned for a dramatic release on June 21, 2025, the film vows to take watchers on an excursion through the intricacies of present day love with a novel wind. Coordinated by Nipun Avinash Dharmadhikari and delivered by Ramesh Taurani and Jaya Taurani, “Ishq Vishk Rebound” flaunts a new gathering cast including Rohit Saraf, Pashmina Roshan, Jibraan Khan, and Naila Grrewal.
Raghav, Sanya, and Sahir, childhood friends, are the focus of the plot. Raghav pursues his passion for writing, and Sanya finds herself drawn to Sahir as they move through adulthood. Raghav, on the other hand, finds himself caught between two broken hearts when Sanya and Sahir’s relationship hits a rough patch. Rohit Saraf, Pashmina Roshan (Hrithik Roshan’s cousin), Naina Grewal and Jibraan Khan will be meeting up in ‘Ishq Vishk Rebound’. The film is right now searching for wholesalers for a cross country discharge. However, sources claim that the film is having trouble finding audiences. A source illuminates us, “When the creators reported ‘Ishq Vishk Rebound’ during the pandemic, the fervor around it was enormous.
The Plot: Ishq Vishk Rebound Movie
Ishq Vishk Rebound teaser: The teaser for “Ishq Vishk Rebound,” a sequel to Shahid Kapoor’s “Ishq Vishk,” was released on Thursday. In it, the four main characters played by Rohit Saraf, Pashmina Roshan, Jibraan Khan, and Naila Grewal are shown in detail. This teaser tells a story of mushy romance, genuine friendship, and unexpected betrayal, examining contemporary dating dynamics. However, the film is having trouble finding buyers due to the uncertain state of the industry at the moment.
Ishq Vishk Rebound Streaming Netflix
The mystery starts with Rohit Saraf talking about how individuals in adoration will generally see their darling in everybody around them. The romantic song “Chot Dil Pe Lagi” from the original Ishq Vishk plays in the background as the other characters are introduced, evoking feelings of nostalgia. Rohit, on the other hand, quickly clarifies that this story focuses on a different kind of love. Through the teaser, we are given a glimpse into the lively world of Ishq Vishk Rebound.
The Cast Of Ishq Vishk Rebound Movie
Naila Grrewal once discussed “Ishq Vishk Rebound” with She expressed that while the title might propose an association with the first film, the plot and characters are unique, offering a cutting edge take on sentiment and connections: “I feel like individuals will generally believe that it’s a change, yet at the same it’s not. If you have any desire to watch the film, you can proceed to watch the first ‘Ishq Vishk’. However, with “Ishq Vishk Rebound,” we offer you something new. We’re giving you that adoration, that sentiment, that romantic comedy vibe that we as a whole love.”
The Teaser of ‘Ishq Vishk Rebound’
The secret of ‘Ishq Vishk Rebound’ offers a brief look into the charming romantic tale and fellowship between the star cast of the film. Rohit Saraf is matched close by Pashmina Roshan, who denotes her Bollywood debut with this film. Naila Grrewal, who starred in “Maamla Legal Hai,” and Jibraan Khan, who portrayed Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol’s toddler son in “Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham,” are also in the film.
Ishq Vishk Rebound Movie Trailer
The first teaser for the upcoming film starring Pashmina Roshan, Jibraan Khan, and Naila Grrewal, as well as Hrithik Roshan’s cousin Pashmina, has been released by the makers of Ishq Vishk Rebound. The creators alongside the starcast of Ishq Vishk Rebound shared the secret on Instagram, giving a brief look at the story spinning around companionship and love. The post’s caption reads, “No ghosting this teaser, kyunki your chance at #PyaarKaSecondRound is finally here.” In spite of being completely prepared, the film is confronting significant deferrals as no significant merchant is showing interest in the film for a theatrical release.”
Final Words
“Ishq Vishk Rebound” delves into themes of friendship, love, and the intricacies of connections. It challenges cultural standards by investigating no inquiries encompassing Rebound connections, the “bro code,” and the chance of tracking down genuine affection in unforeseen spots. With its drawing in storyline and gifted cast, “Ishq Vishk Rebound” vows to be a must-watch film that reverberates with crowds, all things considered. This movie is coming to theaters on June 21, 2025, and it will captivate minds and hearts.